Timber Sale Notices
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Timber Sales, Marketing, and Harvest Inspections

The timber sale process is the most meaningful experience to the forest landowner. This is the event that provides the "pay-off" for all of the landowner's hard work. If not handled properly, an unsuspecting landowner can give away the bulk of his/her profits and not realize the timber's full value potential. According to "The Value of Foresters" (Cubbage - Jan/Feb 2003 Forest Landowner), the use of a Forester will yield an approximate 20% higher return than if the landowner sells on their own. Better harvest control and better future management was also noted for the consultant jobs.

William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. has over 30 years of experience in dealing with timber buyers and loggers. We work hard for our landowners to obtain the highest dollar possible based on the timber to be sold. We conduct sealed bid sales and/or negotiate tracts for the best prices.

The sale process begins with the timber "cruise" or inventory . The tract is evaluated and a report is sent to the landowner. Once this report has been discussed and the areas for harvest have been identified, William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. personnel go back to the tract and prepare it for sale. Creek buffers and Streamside Management Zones are delineated on the ground and marked. Any areas "out" of the sale area are marked and mapped. The "Invitation to Bid" is prepared from the field information which was based on the landowner's objectives. The Invitation includes the details of the sale such as location, bid opening procedures, conditions of sale, and the actual timber sale map. This information is then sent to the landowner for one last approval and is then sent to the prospective Buyers. Our goal is to maximize the exposure to maximize the price received.

Once the sale has been awarded, we assist in closing the transaction. When the actual harvesting begins, William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. begins the harvest inspections. One of our personnel will periodically visit the tract as it is being cut to observe compliance with the conditions of sale which were included in the original agreement. We look for compliance with Best Management Practices, Forest Practice Guidelines, and River Basin Rule requirements. We try to look after our landowners throughout the entire process.

Contact William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. at (336) 632-9088 or whlock@whlock.com for more information regarding timber sale, marketing, and harvest inspection services
