Jonathan C. Barnes-President

Jonathan Barnes is a 2001 graduate of North Carolina State University and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Forestry. He passed the NC forestry exam in 2002 and became a NC Registered Forester after completing his hours of service in forestry.
Jon is a Certified Arborist, a qualified Tree Farm Inspector, Technical Service Provider and a Certified Prescribed Burner. He is also Past President of the Piedmont Chapter of the NC Society of American Foresters and the NC Association of Consulting Foresters. Jon is a NC licensed real estate broker.
Jon currently conducts many of our field data timber collection surveys, supervises our tree planting contractors and assists with cost share program applications. He continues to write Forest Management Plans for our clients and brings his expertise on GIS/GPS to our company as well as his computer knowledge.
As an outdoorsman, Jon enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, water sports and biking. He is married and has two children.
Dale B. Lock
The cheery voice answering our telephone is our Office Manager, Dale Lock. She is originally from Warrenton, NC and has been a NC resident all of her life.
A graduate of Louisburg College, she majored in Secretarial Science. Dale has attended numerous classes at a local community college to continue her knowledge of computers. She is also a Notary Public.
In the past, Dale was an Administrative Assistant for the NC Agricultural Extension Service for twelve years, Executive Secretary to the President of a company located in Research Triangle Park and a legal assistant for a law firm in Greensboro.
Dale has volunteered many hours of her personal time in PTA as Vice President and Fundraising Chairman. Selected Volunteer of the Year in 1995 and 2004, she served on the Site-based Management Team for eight years, assisted with proctoring and tutoring of students and was Team Mother for Cross Country at Western Guilford High School. Her hobbies include spending time with her husband and two adult sons, reading, flower gardening and walking on the beach.
Christopher obtained the rank of Eagle Scout in December of 1999. He graduated from Western Guilford High School with the class of 2004. He ran Cross Country all four years of High School and had Perfect Attendance as well.
Christopher graduated from Appalachian State University majoring in History. He is Red Hat Certified in computer systems and is employed as an Information Technology Computer Specialist.
He has worked part time with William H. Lock & Associates, Inc. for several years. He continues to provide technology expertise to the company.
William H. Lock received a Bachelor of Science – Forestry (1975) and a Masters of Science – Forest Management (1977) from North Carolina State University. Mr. Lock also earned a Horticulture minor under the Forest Management major for his Masters degree. Mr. Lock is a licensed real estate broker in North Carolina and Virginia. He will continue to offer limited advice on real estate matters, especially referrals for land sales. Feel free to give him a call if you should have any real estate land questions.
Bill has retired from full time forestry work but his son, Jonathan Barnes, will contine to operate the forestry company. The company has been providing professional forestry advice and services for over 40 years and Jonathan is looking forward to continuing this same professional service.
The company will continue to offer all types off forest management including timber inventories, appraisals and sales along with site preparation and reforestation advice. Services include forest management plans, timber sales and marketing, timberland inspections and recommendations, reforestation, reforestation plans and cost-share applications, thinning and select cut harvests, and present use tax plans.
The company also stresses the implementation of Best Management Practices, Forest Practice guidelines, wildlife management, and timber appraisals for investment projections.